We repair briefcases, handbags, suitcases, musical instrument cases, leather goods, sporting and camping gear etc. We also have a cleaning service and we do some on the spot repairs.
ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair specializes in vinyl welding, hard shell case crack and dent repair, zipper-lock-handle-wheel, and hardware replacements and more. The types of repairs this team can do are as unlimited as your imagination.
For example, golf bags, backpacks, tents, purses, motorcycle gear, bicycle gear, tactical gear or torn car seats…more than just luggage. Any kind of modification on the above items can be done to your needs and specifications.

For corporate accounts, the advantage can mean literally thousands of dollars per year in savings.
For example, an average briefcase or tool case repair can cost $25. The cost of replacement per piece could conservatively be more than $100 through volume retailers. Companies may now enjoy a decrease in operating expenses and put these savings into growth and increased profits!
For example, an average briefcase or tool case repair can cost $25. The cost of replacement per piece could conservatively be more than $100 through volume retailers. Companies may now enjoy a decrease in operating expenses and put these savings into growth and increased profits!